Before the end of the wear period of your current dosimetry badges, your clinic will receive new badges for every employee along with a return envelope to return the badges for processing and reporting. Once your used dosimeters have been returned to our laboratory, a printed Dose Report will be sent to you for your records. A sample report can be viewed here.
The dose report shows the type and amount of radiation exposure to each employee. It includes the monitoring period, the dose equivalent for the current monitoring period, year-to-date and lifetime dose for each returned badge. It also mentions the annual exposure limits. If any reading should ever exceed the safety standards, your business will be contacted by phone by an authorized representative. Any further copies of the dose record can be obtained by contacting the laboratory or online via our myTLDaccount system.
Occupational Dose is the dose received by an individual in the course of employment in which the individual’s assigned duties involve exposure to radiation or to radioactive material from licensed or unlicensed sources of radiation, whether in the possession of the licensee or other person. Occupational dose does not include doses received from background radiation, from any medical administration the individual has received, from exposure to individuals administered radioactive material and released under 10 CFR § 35.75, from voluntary participation in medical research programs or as a member at the public.
Dose Report Terminology:
- Whole Body: for purposes of external exposure, head, trunk, arms above the elbow or legs above the knee
- Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE): applies to external whole body exposure at a tissue depth of 1 cm, density 1,000 mg/cm2.
- Lens Dose Equivalent (LDE): applies to an external exposure of the lens of the eye at a tissue depth of 0.3 cm, or density 300 mg/cm2.
- Shallow Dose Equivalent (SDE): applies to an external exposure of the skin other body extremity at a tissue depth of 0.007 cm, or density 7 mg/cm2.
- External Dose: the portion of the dose equivalent received from radiation sources outside the body.
- Extremity:, for purposes of external exposure, hand, elbow, arm below the elbow, foot, knee or leg below the knee.
Annual Exposure Limits:
These limits are based on USNRC Regulation Title 10, Part 20, Code of Federal Regulations.
- Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE) 5,000 mrem/yr
- Lens Dose Equivalent (LDE) 15,000 mrem/yr
- Shallow Dose Equivalent (SDE) 50,000 mrem/yr
- Embryo/Fetus 500 mrem/gestational period
- General Public 100 mrem/yr
Note – Workplace Administrative Limits may be more restrictive